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Welcome to the beta version of, where WikiTree community members can develop applications for working with WikiTree using a simple API. For more information about API actions, please see the Documentation.

You appear to be logged in as WikiTree user ? (#?). If this is incorrect, please logout and then sign back in. Or you can return to Apps.

It looks like you are not currently logged in/authenticated with the API. You can still use the API actions below, but the data you receive will be limited. If you'd like to login, click the button below. That will send you to where you can sign in with your credentials. You'll get sent back here afterwards.

Sample API Actions

Action: getPerson()
User ID or Name: (e.g. "Adams-35" or "32")
Action: getProfile()
WikiTree ID, Space:Name or Page ID: (e.g. "Adams-35" or "Space:Allied_POW_camps" or "7933538")
Action: getBio()
WikiTree ID or User ID: (e.g. "Adams-35" "3636")
Action: getWatchlist()

Action: getAncestors()
User ID or Name: (e.g. "Adams-35" "3636")
Depth (1-10): (default: 5)
Action: getDescendants()
User ID or Name: (e.g. "Adams-35" "3636")
Depth (1-5): (default: 2)
Action: getRelatives()
User IDs or Names: (e.g. "Adams-35,Tesla-1")
Get Parents
Get Spouses
Get Children
Get Siblings
Action: getPrivacyLevels()
Function: getDNATestsByTestTaker()
User ID or Names: (e.g. "32" or "Whitten-1")
Function: getConnectedProfilesByDNATest()
User ID or Name: (e.g. "32" or "Whitten-1")
DNA Test ID:
Function: getConnectedDNATestsByProfile()
User ID or Name: (e.g. "32" or "Whitten-1")

Output appears here